Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Global Warming

As the Earth starts to warm up, changes are made around the world. Seas start to rises up, weathers and climate change through out the regions, more disasters come to life (many typhoons are formed and are more stronger) as the heat get stronger. The causes of this is Global Warming.

Global warming is the warming of the Earth, which is caused by an enhancement of the greenhouses effect, primarily by air pollution. The warming the earth is due to the build up of CO2 and green houses effect in the atmosphere causing solar radiation to remain trapped in the atmospheric levels. To much green houses effects, CO2 and other pollutants causes more consequences to the Earth. So now we humans must take action and take part on saving Earth.

Global warming has received increasing political attention over the past thirty years, having constituted one of the key themes in the rise of green politics over the same period. As a result of this in an intergovernmental meeting in Kyoto in 1997, at which 38 industrialized countries signed up to the Kyoto Protocol. As you all know, the Kyoto Protocol is where nations who join, would reduce their atmospheric emissions. But the Kyoto Protocol will not become effective until it has been ratified by 55 per cent of the signatory nations, and only then if these nations contribute 55 per cent or more of global carbon emissions.

Global warming causes many great consequences: causes of that is Deforestation, (losing acres of trees every year) animal wild life and Vegetation start face extinction as temperates changes and Glaciers start to melt in regions making the ocean rise up sinking most of the lands. As Human industrial and agricultural practices created Gases increase the heat-reflecting potential of the atmosphere. Power plant's using coals, oil, fossil fuels, petroleum and natural gas are non renewable resources which will not last long and takes time for them to form naturally. Already half of the earth's oil is already used up and sooner we will use renewable resources which is good for Earth.

Have you heard some renewable resources? well there are many of them which will help rescue the whole world from global warming. Make the sun useful as a renewable resources as Solar energy. How about breezy places could use some Wind turbine power. Places with "hot spots" could use those for Geothermal power. You think water is use for drinking, showering and for other things, it could be use for Hydro power. Well there some that I don't know about and some new resources for the future.

I am just hoping for the world to get better. Well this is why wrote this to concern many people what is going on right now and to take part of helping Earth. Hope for the better!

1 comment:

Lira said...

i recommend wind mill for saipan~